Scoring System – How does it work?

There are various approaches when determining the quality of wine or other beverages as well. I like to follow a notion which goes like this: if you like the product to such an extent that you “wish to visit the place” and meet the people behind it; it’s exciting and should gain high recognition (see below for more details). At the WSET we followed the classic BLIC system and during my MW  studies it has become more sophisticated in describing the “quality”. From all these learnings I created my personal system which resembles the international standards as well.

I like to work along with the following parameters:

  • length
  • balance
  • complexity
  • integration
  • intensity
  • concentration
  • ageability
  • typicity (varietal, origin)
  • finesse

To put it into numbers


Score (Points) Explanation
95-100 fantastic, an absolute top quality, showing perfect balance, great complexity and very long finish, one wish to visit the place and person behind the “product”
90-94 outstanding quality with long finish and complexity, one starts to think about visiting the “place of production”
85-89 very good quality with a fairly long finish, showing some complexity
80-84 good quality with a fair length and typicity
75-79 simple, yet with sound quality

Scores (points) should always be considered with their respective tasting notes.